AS now repeatedly warned by the UN IPCC experts, our current life-on-Earth’s looming “sixth extinction” threat ( please look-up the previous five), due to self-imposed climate and ecological emergencies, is not being taken anywhere near seriously enough.

Why is this, and what can give us a new fighting chance of  survival beyond this century, possibly this millennium ?

We must reverse, or at least severely curtail, present human obsessive drug-like, self-indulgent “isms”: capitalism ( family-rooted obscene ‘inequality disease’), consumerism, property-owning materialism, religious supernatural ‘faith’ fanaticism, and last - not least - militarism. 

It’s this last one, secretly fuelling more of our present climate and ecological emergencies than the others, which everyone must take urgent political and moral action against - right now and into the future.

Facts, derived from Global Campaign on Military Spending UK (2023 ), speak for themselves: estimated annual military global spending for 2023 was over $2.4 trillion - averaging $300 per person, annually increasing 6%; every economic sector must submit carbon emissions reporting, except global military - estimated at massive 5.5% of world total; 14 years ago at COP15 rich countries causing most climate crisis promised £100bn to poor countries causing the least – still nowhere near met; recent UK budget reviews all hike and protect military spending to record levels on the back of cuts in other needed public services; bloated military spending, causing cuts to climate chaos ‘defence’, ruled unlawful over ‘net zero’ emissions pledges with each £1 spent on emissions cuts contrasting £7.30 spent on military; US military is largest greenhouse gas emitter in the world and UK military emissions are equivalent to six million cars per year.   

Therefore, inevitably MIC ( Military Industrial Complex – billionaires resourced corporations supplying armed forces ) – certainly in UK and US - dominates almost every country in the world, both politically and monetarily, culminating in the hell of ultra expensive and dangerous missile-launched ‘nuclear weapons deterrence’.

With more countries now deploying nuclear WMDs and not heeding recent historic UN peace treaty banning nukes Armageddon, or surely time for “Give Peace A Chance”!

Still wanting 16 years to reach a hundred!