FORMER Prime Minister David Cameron was paid a visit by at-the-time Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg in Taunton just over 11 years ago.

The Deputy Prime Minister normally met with David Cameron in London – but he came to Taunton in 2013 to chat with the PM.

Nick Clegg concluded his visit to the town with a tour of the Ministry of Cake factory in Bindon Road, where managing director Chris Ormrod’s job title is Prime Minister.

Earlier in his tour to attract support for the Lib Dems in the then fast-approaching Somerset County Council elections, Mr Clegg chatted to firefighters at Taunton Fire Station and leafleted homes in Portland Street.

Mr Clegg attacked the Conservatives - who were at the time looking to hold on to power at County Hall - for planning to close libraries while spending millions on ‘posh office furniture and £36,000 on a pond’.

“The Lib Dems would make sure savings are sensible and protect frontline services, restoring some of the money taken from youth services," he said.

“Of course we have to make savings but it must be fairly done.”

Although critical of ‘bad decisions’ made by the Tories in Somerset, Mr Clegg said he was proud of the Lib Dems’ role in the Coalition.

He said: “For every person who thinks a compromise is a betrayal, I meet people who say, ‘Good on you, you stepped up to the plate’.

"I’m immensely proud of what the Lib Dems have done in government.

"We were teetering on the edge and we reached out to the Conservatives to create a stable government for the country.”

Talking of fears that the Lib Dems and Conservatives could lose out to UKIP, Mr Clegg added: “It’s seductive to think, ‘Let’s vote for the party that says let’s turn our back on everything’.

“UKIP want to cut money from schools and hospitals and turn their backs on export markets in Europe.”

Dorothy Baker, of UKIP in Taunton Deane, said at the time: “That’s a bit rich when Nick Clegg and his party are turning their backs on our country by insisting on membership of the EU, which costs British tax payers over £53m a day.

“UKIP would turn their backs on the political union so that £53m a day could be spent here, where it’s needed and put our nation first.”

Andrew Govier, Labour group leader, added: “We hope people will vote positively for Labour rather than any sort of protest vote.”