THE River Tone in French Weir in Taunton has achieved bathing site status, the Government has confirmed.

The Environment Agency will immediately start monitoring the water quality at 27 sites which the Government had proposed as new bathing sites during a consultation earlier this year.

The new bathing water sites also include the River Frome at Farleigh Hungerford.

Somerset County Gazette: Gideon Amos and Janine Appleton of the Friends of French Weir Park submit the applicationGideon Amos and Janine Appleton of the Friends of French Weir Park submit the application (Image: Contributed)

Gideon Amos, the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary candidate for Taunton and Wellington, said: “I'm delighted that – following the application I made, with support of Friends of French Weir Park – the new Bathing Water Status has been designated today.

“But this latest information on sewage discharges shows it's more important than ever to get action to clean up our rivers.

“Today’s designation means the river here in Taunton will be measured and monitored and results made public for the first time – if it’s not good enough, measures will be required of the water companies to clean it up.

“The Liberal Democrats first began the campaign to get sewage out of our rivers and seas in the 1990s.

“Handing over water to private shareholders was never the right thing to do and it’s disgusting that these companies pumped filthy sewage into our waterways so many times last year.

“On doorstep after doorstep, people in Taunton and Wellington tell me they want a government that will protect our environment.

“They’re furious that filthy sewage has been pumped into their rivers and waterways - and want to send this Conservative government a strong message that our planet matters.

“Come the General Election, Liberal Democrats will be campaigning hard against this national scandal which has been allowed to take hold while the Conservative Government has sat on its hands and looked the other way.”

“Our Liberal Democrat solution would bring in a tougher water regulator, would end bonuses going to the bosses of these polluting companies, and put public interest companies in their place with a duty to put the environment ahead of the profits they’re taking out of the service.”

Somerset County Gazette:

Taunton Deane MP Rebecca Pow said: “I know many constituents who love wild swimming, especially in our local rivers.

“With this in mind, when I was the Water Minister I instigated the Plan for Water, bringing more investment, tougher regulation, and stronger enforcement to clean up our rivers.

“I also made the point that we would designate more inland bathing water sites.

“With your support during the consultation, we have now been able to secure French Weir on the River Tone right next to Long Run Meadow, as a designated Bathing Water site.

“I’m thrilled with this progress as I know many local people will be too.

“It’s a perfect bathing water site, with all the facilities nearby, with loos, parking, and the Coach Centre and I was pleased to work with the current Water Minister to push this in Westminster.

“This means more regular water testing by the Environment Agency, keeping an eye on the water quality and enabling them to act on any issues that may arise in the future should action need taking to ensure the water meets bathing standards.”

Last year, Taunton Town Council worked with the Friends of French Weir group to support the application for Designated Bathing Water Status (DBWS) for the river.

Town councillors resolved to write a letter to support the group which is looking to achieve DBWS for the area by the river steps at COACH in French Weir.

It was considered that without town council support as landowners, the application may not be successful.

It was also resolved that the town council would now maintain the steps, accessing the River Tone, behind the COACH building.