A huge change is coming to Customer Service Points (CSPs) in Frome, Glastonbury, Street and Wells.

Somerset Council is set to transform them into Customer Access Points (CAPs) to enhance digital access for residents.

Libraries in the local areas will soon host the CAPs, tapping into their technological facilities for the convenience of the locals.

This new development is part of a move by the Customer Services Team to offer a consistent approach across the Somerset Council region.

The conversion process kicks start on May 24, with the closure of current CSPs in Street, Wells and Glastonbury.

The fresh and advanced CSPs will then be launched on May 28 within the respective libraries of these towns.

Similarly, Frome will witness its CSP being transformed into a CAP, but with a unique feature.

Starting July 1, residents will have access to Customer Services using a Video Assistant Link (VAL).

The library staff will be available to assist users aiming to utilise the VAL service.

Although the changes will lead to the closure of several CSPs, the move promises to unify and improve the digital ease of access across Somerset Council for residents.