A MEMOIR dedicated to an RAF pilot born in Bridgwater and known as Somerset's 'master of the air' is currently in the works.

'From Biplanes to Fast Jets: A pilot’s life in the Royal Air Force 1942–1973', explores the life of Somerset man Ken Aedy, who served in the Royal Air Force for over 30 years.

The memoir begins in Bridgwater and offers an insight into what life was like for ordinary people at the beginning of the war in Somerset, and includes lots of photos from the time. 

A spokesperson for the book said: "It is not the story of a hero, but rather the story of an ordinary man’s experiences throughout an extraordinary century of geo-political turmoil and rapid technological advances.

"A heart-warming, amusing and at times harrowing tale, the book is faithful to Ken’s experiences, featuring stunning photographs, paintings and diagrams of the planes he flew and key events he witnessed.

"The publication is a mark of respect for Ken, on what would have been his 100th birthday, but also for a whole generation to whom we owe so much."