The Innovative Farmers network has announced significant changes which make it easier for even more farmers to benefit from their research and support.

For the past 18 months the network has enabled farmers to lead the way in practical, on-farm innovation.

The group brings together groups of farmers with researchers from top agricultural institutions in practical 'field labs'.

As of April joining the network will be free, meaning everyone can access the full write-ups from field labs and attend events without paying a membership fee.

Until now, farmers have paid an annual membership to join the network, and also contributed to the cost of individual field labs and events they take part in.

But the new announcement confirms that the membership fee has gone, and sponsors cover the costs of a growing number of the field labs.

Nick Freeth, who runs Manor Farm, a dairy farm near Cricklade, said: “I have been involved in three field labs so far and have seen measurable benefits for my business.

"The good thing about Innovative Farmers is that you meet with likeminded farmers.

"No matter what our production method, we are all looking to be more profitable, sustainable and use fewer inputs. We want to make more use of what we’ve got. The field labs directly benefit us, the farmer.”

Tom MacMillan, director of innovation at the Soil Association, said: “The UK spends around £450 million on agricultural research, and only around one per cent of this goes to practical projects led by farmers, but many of the best ideas in farming are coming from farmers.

"This change will allow more people to get involved in the network, stimulate more farmer-led research and help drive farming forward.”