ROBERT is single. Most of his friends are married. Robert has three girlfriends which can only complicate matters.

His story of love, fidelity and commitment is told in Stephen Sondheim's thought provoking and funny musical comedy, Company.

Taunton Amateur Operatic Society bring this award-winning saga to The Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre with their usual style.

We follow Robert's life through one year as the confirmed bachelor grapples with the concept of marriage and faithfulness.

This is an absorbing and beautifully constructed piece of theatre with a sharp and clever libretto by George Furth and a sublime score and lyrics by the genius that is Stephen Sondheim.

Wednesday October 7 to Saturday, October 10. (recommended ages15) .Tickets: £16 / £14 Weds Evening & Sat Matinée. Box office: 01823 414141.