DO you suffer with anxiety, stress, low mood or chronic pain? Mindfulness can help.

You can learn simple mindfulness practices through a guided programme which is widely approved by the international medical community: the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Programme.

It teaches you how to engage more fully with life in the present, rather than being lost in fears and worries about past and future.

Mindfulness offers coping strategies that help in all aspects of your life and works by calming down the nervous system so you become less emotionally reactive, calmer, and more in control.

Karen Atkinson and Dr Maya Spencer are experienced mindfulness teachers and healthcare professionals, offering: 1 An introductory one-day workshop to find out more about what mindfulness is. 2 The eight-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course.

Contact Karen Atkinson for details and registration at MindfulnessUK, 27 Canon Street, Taunton, TA1 1SW, visit email or call 01823- 323206.