THE temporary measures taken by Watchet Marina to make sure the harbour is still able to be used by boats are “proving successful”.

Marina bosses are having to make sure the harbour can still be used by boats after the tidal gate was removed from its position while it was examined by experts.

The gate which controls the tidal flow from the Bristol Channel in and out of the marina was damaged in early September, resulting in restricted access for boats.

To make do, members of the marina team were going out on the water to remove the top stoplog – a hydraulic barrier used in floodgates to control and adjust the water level – from the barrier by hand to allow boats to pass through, but the colder weather made this more dangerous.

However, a decision to remove the top stoplog permanently has proved a temporary success, according to a marina spokesman.

“It’s working really well and the barrier’s steadily holding position,” they told the County Gazette.

“We’re monitoring the mud levels to see how much has been collected, but it seems to be doing really well.”

The results of the forensic examination and how much it will cost to get the gate fixed are still unknown.