MILVERTON Primary School in Taunton has been actively taking part in a week of healthy eating and sporting initiatives.

The school has booked a whole week at the Blackbrook sports centre as part of the up and active' campaign, in which the school will promote lively and healthy lifestyles.

Each day will provide plenty of opportunity to explore different ways of keeping fit and it will mean a non-curriculum week for the children so that each class can have a day at the sports centre to try something new.

Paul Bish, head teacher said: "We noticed a lot of our children loved the main sports but a lot of them wanted to try something different."

Sainsbury's in Taunton has also taken a keen interest in the scheme and have donated fruit and vegetables and two smoothie makers to the school as well as sending out a representative to talk about five a day' and how to reduce packaging.

Paul added: "It has been a fantastic week, eating healthy and keeping active."