Phoenix Group of Photographers

ON his fourth visit to the Phoenix Group natural history photographer Brian Pettit worked his usual magic.

The subject being the flora and fauna of France and Spain where Brian had lived in the latter for about 30 years. The stunning quality and clarity of Brian’s pictures never cease to amaze.

Pictures of wild goats, wild boar, wolves, wildcats, insects, dragon flies and damsel flies even a large brown bear featured. Also appearing were the wild birds of that region.

Many shapes varieties, colours and plumage came under the watchful eye of Brian’s lens. Brian also brought our attention to the variety and quantities of wild narcissi the seemed to proliferate in this part of the world.

Many orchids featured and a few plants that only exist in some special areas. Brian’s work involves quite a lot the trekking up and down mountains, following where the animals are depending on the season, higher up the mountains in spring lower down onto the wooded areas in the winter. Brian’s presentation was punctuated by humours quips and his obvious love of his subject.

Brian and was warmly thanked by chairman Tony and a resounding round of applause from the members.

The club meets Monday evenings at West Monkton Village hall at 7.30pm.

Check out the club’s website