TAUNTON Deane Borough Council is helping to harness the energy of bored young people in Wellington to help the community – and enjoy some fun as a result.

The Council is investing £2,000 in setting up a Dreamscheme project in the Wellington East ward that includes the Priory and Gay Street areas under the Wellington One Team umbrella which is match-funding the contribution with a further £2,000.

The One Team brings public sector services together – local authorities, police and the fire service – to work with the community and improve life for local people.

The Dreamscheme in the Priory area is being led by local Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), working with community development officers from the Borough Council and Knightstone Housing’s community empowerment team.

They will work with young people to achieve improvements to the neighbourhood. In return the young task force earns points that can be put towards rewards and activities.

The first task is being planned with a litter-pick and community clear-up day in the area around The Mounds at Priory from 10.30am-12.30pm on Thursday, April 9.

A similar scheme was set up in the Westford Grange area of Rockwell Green and proved to be a huge success so that inspired the launch of the new project.

Paul Chamberlain, who leads the Wellington One Team said: “Our motto is ‘Think Differently Do Differently’, and it is our One Team guiding principle towards reducing crime, anti-social behaviour and improving the quality of life locally.”