EXMOOR and Dartmoor National Parks will be leading the way on selfbuild housing opportunities thanks to a new scheme.

A joint expression of interest by the National Park Authorities was given the green light by the Department for Communities and Local Government to proceed as a ‘Right to Build Vanguard’.

It means there is a requirement on local planning authorities to open and promote a register for prospective custom builders and make available suitable plots for those on the register within a reasonable period of time.

The two parks are among just 11 pilot areas in the country.

The vanguard will test the Right to Build in protected landscapes where land supply and development opportunities are in short supply, and high house prices mean there is a focus on delivering housing to meet local needs.

Andrea Davis, chairman of Exmoor National Park Authority, said: “We’re pleased to have been successful in getting agreement to pilot self-build together with Dartmoor National Park, the Rural Housing Project and our housing authorities, and look forward to continue helping local people meet their own housing needs.”

Proposals for self-build housing will be subject to the relevant planning policies for each National Park.

People considering self-build should call Colin Savage on 01398-322249 or email cbsavage@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk