A new musical path has opened up for a Taunton singer/songwriter .

Aimee Holland has been pushing and extending her musical boundaries with a collaboration with fellow musician Seb.

Aimee had been gigging for 10 years and started out doing open mic night in Taunton when the Pen and Quill was open.

She had written a number of her own penned songs including Ghost Train, Don’t You, A confliction, Defy Gravity and Welcome Home.

Then in about May/June this year, she decided she wanted to go to London to “Work with different artists and can develop my electronic music.

“My absolute goal is to get my records released but at the moment I would like to do session work for other artists.”

And now as a result of this move this new song is the first of what will be many musical delights.

The duo met in London and have combined their musical talents to produce a new song called NOF -No Ordinary Find.

They are known AIMVYA, and this is their debut single from this electronica duo.

Not only did they write and perform the song they also directed, produced and edited the black and white video which accompanies the song.

Aimee said: “This is the first thing we have worked on together as a collaboration.

“This is really an interesting project and something different for the both of us.

“We wanted to do something with a different feel.

“This was shown in the video and in the song which is about someone finding themselves.

“We wanted to created something which was haunting, mysterious and dream like.

“It has been exciting and we aim to release the song via Spotify.

“We really want to get the video out there so people can see what we are doing Aimee explained this musical collaboration would be the first of many songs/videos which the duo aim to make and they are both excited about the future.

She said: “Seb has got a number of beats he would like to use and I have got my lyrics.

“The main thing is to combine the two together and this is the exciting part.

“We have spent a number of weekends locked away in a studio creating these songs which has been great.

“I love the creative process as it has opened up a new path.

“It is now onwards and upwards which is exciting.”

Watch the video here: https://youtu.be/qJgZ-6uXvEU