GREG Dyke, democratic services manager at Taunton Deane Council has been presented with an award for service to the community by the High Sheriff of Somerset.

High Sheriff, Brigadier Alastair Ian Hayward Fyfe, felt that Mr Dyke was truly deserving of the award after years of service to the community.

In particular his role in managing the many civic events that have been held over the last fourteen years in his role as the council's democratic services manager.

The presentation took place on Tuesday night at the full council meeting.

Brigadier Fyfe said: "In Greg's time at the helm there have been all types of events ranging from the visit of Her Majesty the Queen to Taunton during the Golden Jubilee celebrations to the annual, but none the less important, Remembrance Day Celebrations.

"These events have always been successful and bring great credit to Taunton Deane.

"Unsurprisingly, the common factor in every civic occasion is Greg."

Awards from the High Sheriff are intended to recognise service to the community.