DESPITE a really bitter northerly wind, viewing conditions were first class with mostly bright sunshine for the eighteen Taunton RSPB local group members who met at Budleigh Salterton for a recent field trip.

The riverside path heading up the Otter offers choice viewing across reed beds and mud flats on one side and open fields on the other. By the time the party reached the white bridge a growing list of waterfowl and songbirds had been logged.

Normally the route crosses the bridge and follows the river down to the sea cliffs, but on this occasion it was decided to head on upstream in search of a cattle egret that has been seen there recently.

Eventually, with a lot of searching, the bird was spotted picking its way among a herd of cattle, taking advantage of the supply of insect food disturbed by the hooves of the beasts. The association of the egret with the cattle is obviously where the bird gets its name.

It was somewhat difficult to get a good view until, in the company of two little egrets, the cattle egret flew closer and landed in the open, allowing excellent views through telescopes.

It was an ideal opportunity for comparison of the species and the different leg colouring and plumage variation was notable.

Heading for the cliffs, species seen included meadow pipit, rock pipit, calling oystercatchers, glossy coloured shags, a winter-plumaged razorbill on the sea and a good view of a peregrine sweeping past overhead. Two ravens were also spotted.

Moving on to Countess Wear and the Matford Scrape, a flooded meadow, the party located a green sandpiper and was lucky to catch up with a rare American visitor, a laughing gull, once located easily identified by its large powerful looking bill that has a drooping' appearance.

Final destination for some of the party was Exminster where a view across the open fields often gives sighting of woodlarks. On this occasion however the larks were not present but reward came in the form of a pair of reed buntings and excellent views of a pair of cirl buntings.

Another successful field meeting for the Taunton RSPB local group with a grand tally of fifty species for the day.

Diary dates: Friday, March 30. Quest for the Red Breasted Toucan'. Illustrated talk by Ethne Conlin. Trull Memorial Hall, 7.30pm. Wednesday, April 11. Ashcott Corner. Meet at map ref ST448397, 10am. Led by Stuart Hill (Taunton 400918).