St Nicholas Church: Twenty parishioners attended the annual meeting to elect churchwardes on March 25. John Finchett and Keith Vodden were unanimously re-elected as churchwardens and grateful thanks were expressed to them for all their endeavours.

The annual parochial church meeting followed. It was reported that there are 35 names on the new Church Electoral Roll. Reports were received on fabric goods and ornaments; meetings of the Deanery Synod; door lockers and flower arrangers; proceedings of PCc during the year; bells and bell ringing; churchyard maintenance and the accounts were presented by treasurer Angela Vodden.

The rector, Sue Green presented a report on activities held during the last year and stated that it was hoped to appoint a children's worker in the near future who would work with the local ministry group. She thanked the organist Shirley Grinter and the Rev Christine Canti and the Rev Doris Goddard and the Readers for their unflagging enthusiasm and hard work.

On behalf of the parish John Finchett thanked the three clergy and the Readers for their work. The PCC were all re-elected: Angela Vodden, Pat Evans, Eileen Bushell, Rachel Matthews, Ann Jeffery, Christine Canti, Jeremy Dugdale, Dermot McHugh, Michael Spurway and John Coombes. Sidesmen were elected with some amendments. The meeting closed with the Grace.