A PREGNANT woman was given a house by the council with smashed windows, mould on the walls and dangerous debris strewn in the garden.

Maria Brawn, 17, was given a two-bedroom house in Outer Circle, Taunton, by Taunton Deane Borough Council but was shocked at the state of it when she was shown round.

Maria, who is due to give birth in June, said she could not imagine living in the house while it was in that state.

She was reassured by the council that it would be in better condition when she came to move in on March 15, but the work had not been done.

She said: "The windows were all smashed and there was mould all over the walls.

"A woman showed me round and said that it would be done in time for me to move in.

"They said they could do nothing with the mould, so I had to clean it myself with soapy water and cleaning stuff.

"They did not do anything and I was really cold because the gas was not on."

The council have now since fitted new windows, but the garden remains a danger zone for adults and children with broken glass and rubbish littered across it.

A council spokesperson said they were aware of the situation and would be finishing of the garden in due course.

"Before the tenant moved into the property at Outer Circle the housing repairs team arranged for contract cleaners to come in to clean and fumigate the property.

"We also redecorated every room and removed the damaged carpets and I can confirm that all of the windows in the property have now been installed.

"We are addressing the issue of rubbish in the garden. We hope that the tenant will be happy in the property following all of these changes."