A TAUNTON man who suffered cancer as a child has been fighting to raise money for the cause in a charity boxing match.

Derrick Lock, 25, was one of 42 boxers who competed in the white collar event on March 5 at Wellsprings Leisure Center, Taunton.

Between them, more than £7,000 was raised through ticket sales and donations for Promise Dreams, a foundation which grants dreams to terminally ill children.

Derrick suffered with cancer at just the age of 12 and was helped by a charity called The Make A Wish Foundation.

Derrick said: "I feel that between the 42 fighters, the training team and the organisers, this event had been a huge success for both the charity that we raised over £7000 for, and on a personal level.

"The training and the environment of boxing has given me new direction in my life and I will definitely be continuing to train in this great sport.

"I'd like to thank Fightworx Academy and Hamilton Greens Aperture Boxing Club, who were the trainers involved in the event.

"The publicity has helped raise so much for an amazing cause and last checked, we all raised more than £7000."

Derrick's friend, photographer Benjamin Dunford, has been documenting the boxer's progress in the run up to the fight as well as on the actual night.

Ben said: "An empty gymnasium with just a ring and a few tables around it soon turned into a rowdy crowd of 600.

"The 42 fighters were broken down into two teams- reds and blues.

"Derrick was in the red team and was fight number 14 of 21.

"He trained hard and he fought well and kept his stamina throughout the fight- he didn’t let himself burn out.

"Although he may not have won the match, he didn’t lose poorly either.

Ben was impressed with his friend's achievement, and said the fighters' efforts have helped the charity.

"Stepping into the ring at Wellsprings just to hopefully floor his opponent wasn’t all it was about," he added.

"It was about doing something that isn’t easy and not a lot of us would do it.

"It was about raising awareness for children out there who are going through, or have gone through cancer in their lives.

"Without the fighters' efforts tonight, these charities would not be able to carry on doing the work they do."