THE Snowball whist drive was held at Bishopswood Hall, prizes were selected by Mary and Stuart Govier. MC was Don Hector and there were 15 tables in play. Top score in the room was Ruth Sharland with the brilliant score of 199.

Ladies: Joan Cowan, Rita White, Mary Govier, Mary Jeffery, Jo Rogers, Beat, Mary Graham, Gwen Case. Men: Norman Bickham, Melvyn Sharland, Joan Roberts, Julia Pring, Mary G, Ginger, Rex England and John Ward.

Draw winners were Jo Rogers, Mary Gee, Melvyn Sharland, Monica Mitchell, Helen Strutt, Don Strutt, Barbara Hole 2.

The next evening whist drive is on Friday, September 14 at 7.45pm. The afternoon whist drive starts back after the summer break on Thursday, September 20 at 2.30pm with a bring and buy.

There will be a tea dance on Thursday, September 13 2-4.30pm, music by Ron Holt. £1.50 including tea and biscuits. Everyone welcome.