Kingsdon church and car boot sale was held in the grounds of Kingsdon Manor School by kind permission of the head teacher.

Various stalls were taken care of by the ladies and Steve and the various displays were enjoyed by the visitors. The Tai Chi display was led by local instructor, which included some locals. The ladies were busy in the kitchen and Janet and her husband of the International League of the Protection of Horses brought a foal and its mother which one was invited to guess the combined weight of them.

Various youngsters braved the elements and swam in the pool.

The car boot sale was organised by David Beswick and proved most successful.

The financial result was very pleasing and raised about £930.

The Ladies Club met a little later than usual in July due to a church meeting, which several members wished to attend. It was announced that the PCC wished Jackie Ellis and helpers to organise the harvest supper on October 7.

The outing to Pat's organic farm near Maiden Newton was a great success. Everyone was in awe of the unusual way she lives with her power supply, water supply, but she obviously loves her way of life. After the tour the members enjoyed a lovely meal eaten in the garden where much of the produce came from. Thanks went to Jenny and Margaret for organising the day.

The guest speaker, David Andrews, spoke on Music, Memories and Myths of World War Two who presented the topic mostly with humour and sang with his guitar, members joining in. Lynne gave the vote of thanks. Birthday girl was Julie South. Ann Baldwin and Shirley Wilson provided refreshments and Margaret Close won the flutter.