THE meeting of Taunton Camera Club was held at the United Reformed Church, Paul Street on Monday, September 3.

The new season's programme began with an excellent lecture by Tony Worobiec entitled It's Photography, But Not As We Know It.

For many years Tony was well known for his stark monochrome images of deserted places with their abandoned buildings, all printed in the darkroom. Now in the digital age, he has decided to use the computer for the same purpose, but producing the same kind of photography.

His use of the wide-angled lens for landscapes were very impressive as were the semi-naked young ladies posing against a background of craggy rocks.

Tony was keen to emphasise the advantage of the computer's photo-shop' in the making of black and white prints, not only with the manipulative devices but the toning effects which are more guaranteed than using chemicals.

His last batch of images were in colour, made not with a camera, but on a flat-bedded scanner. Using flowers from the hedgerow, Tony created some striking pictures of dandelions, hogwort and thistles.

Mike Birbeck, in his vote of thanks, said it was the best lecture he had attended at the club, a comment met with loud applause.