AIR quality in Wellington is to be continually assessed thanks to an ingenious machine being installed in the town.

Taunton Deane Council has relocated its mobile air quality unit to a site just off Fore Street in Wellington, on the road adjoining North Street Car Park, and it will be in position for up to two years.

The unit continuously measures pollutants produced by road traffic.

The results will be used to measure air pollution in Wellington and to determine whether air quality is complying with the air quality standards laid down in legislation.

If levels of pollution are above the air quality standards, the Council will declare an Air Quality Management Area as it has done previously in East Reach, Taunton, and Henlade.

The unit was previously sited by the Texaco petrol station in Wellington New Road and measurements taken have indicated that the pollution levels are below the guideline values so no further action is required by the council to reduce levels of pollution.

The council's air quality monitoring units sited at the Deane House in Taunton are also now up and running again after a spell of inactivity due to technical problems. The units measure background levels of nitrogen dioxide, particulates, sulphur dioxide and ozone.

"It is very important that this monitoring takes place to ensure that residents are aware of air quality levels in their area.

"Should levels of pollution reach unacceptable levels a coordinated approach will be taken by the relevant authorities to reduce pollution," said Cllr Mel Mullins, executive councillor for environmental services.

He added: "I am also pleased to report that the air quality in Wellington New Road meets the legislative standards and no further action has to be taken at present.

"Also taking place has been the development of Air Quality Action Plans, which provide a positive platform to make changes in those areas where air quality may not achieve the relevant standard.

"However, the bottom line is that we must all play a part and where possible opt for sustainable transport. Encouraging healthy alternatives such as walking and cycling is a priority for Taunton Deane Council."