FOR the first meeting of the autumn term Taunton District Scout Fellowship decided that they would like a visit before the nights started to close in too much, so the group meet at the Inkpen Postal Museum at Thurlbear at 7pm on September 4.

It was a beautiful evening and the visit attracted a large number of members, including a few new members, which was pleasing. As well as looking at the exhibits members could also appreciate the garden in the evening sunshine. Until then a lot of people just regarded a post box as a post box, without noticing the differences between them and the advantages and disadvantages of the different castings made by different manufacturers.

After members retreated indoors to see the display of smaller items, refreshments were provided by Mrs James and greatly appreciated.

At the same time, discussions went on with different people asking about things which had a personal interest. One was interested in the postage stamp of Post Office business, others debated the modern developments taking place in the communications industry'. Mr and Mrs James collect donations for the Bristol Heart Foundation and this also generated further discussion. It would seem that everybody found the visit stimulating and this feeling was passed on to Mr and Mrs James by the chairman, Rob Warburton, in his vote of thanks.