WI: There was little business to discuss at the September meeting of Cheddon Fitzpaine WI other than a report on the outing to Otter Nursery in August and plans for the Group meeting to be held at Kingston St Mary the following night.

The speaker was Mr Stuart Parkman from Triscombe Nurseries who gave members a very valuable insight into how to have an interesting winter garden. He brought along a large range of plants to illustrate his talk and members felt that they had learned a lot. Several plants he brought showed what is being hailed as "climate change" but he said that he has, over the last thirty or so years, "seen it all heard it all and got the T Shirt" and that, he feels, nothing has changed. He was very happy to answer any gardening questions and his visit was much enjoyed by all. Miss Alannah Hunt gave the vote of thanks.

the next meeting will be on October 4th when the speaker will be Mr T Bagwell on the subject of Swiss Scenes. For details telephone 01823 412770 or 01823 412192.