LOOKING through family photographs stirred a Taunton woman on to an amazing 5 STONE weightloss.

Clare Stone said her 'heart sank' as she browsed the pictures - prompting her to lose weight.

Now, she has slimmed down from a size 16 to a size eight, losing more than 5 stone.

“In May last year, I was looking through family photos, there wasn’t many with me in but when I stumbled across one of us all my heart sank, I hadn’t realized just how much weight I had put on but the photo confirmed exactly how I had been feeling," said Clare, who has dropped from 13st 10lb to 8st 8lb.

Somerset County Gazette:

"I was tired all the time and would often have to take naps during the day just to make it through. I felt lazy and really run down.

"The previous year, in 2017, I had married my now husband Matthew. It was a fantastic day, the day I always dreamed of but when I got the wedding photos back I was so sad at the way I looked.

"I’m ashamed to say that I edited the photos and slimmed my face down before I shared them. I knew it was wrong but it made me feel better at the time.

"My weight gain continued and peaked at nearly 14 stone. It was then I knew it was time to make a lifestyle change."

Clare said weightloss plan SlimFast played a part in her dropping the weight.

"I chose SlimFast because it was an easy and convenient plan, as a busy mum of three I needed something simple but proven," she said.

"I was very determined to succeed, so the next day I tracked my ‘start’ weight and planned my food for the day. I wanted to make sure I was eating well and not depriving myself.

"One of the other reasons for losing weight was to feel fitter and healthy for my children as well as to be more confident in photos.

"Since losing over 5 stone I have well and truly achieved both of these. I’m now more energetic and can run around with my kids for hours. I now don’t have to have any naps and my skin is even better."