IN your item concerning the visit of a Christmas Sparkle volunteer to King's Hall School we read that they spoke about, 'the true meaning of Christmas', which was, they said, 'the importance of giving'.

Now I don't want to appear to be picky, but is does seem odd, at the very least, to talk about the true meaning of Christmas, reportedly without even mentioning Jesus.

The true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of the earthly birth of God's Son, Jesus Christ.

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True, giving is central, but it is the giving by God the Father of His Son, Jesus, to mankind, underlined by the Magi giving incredible gifts, that is the true meaning of Christmas.

It is great to celebrate giving at Christmas, but please don't forget the baby Jesus, who is the greatest gift of all, and whose gift to all of us is the true meaning of Christmas.

Have a great celebration!

God bless you.
