A GARDEN in Somerset is set to stay open throughout the latest lockdown.

As social distancing is possible outside, Hestercombe Gardens in Taunton have made the decision to stay open, despite the new 'stay at home' coronavirus restrictions.

However, you will only be able to visit the gardens with your household, support bubble, or with one other person.

All the seating that can be removed has been taken away temporarily.

The Stables Takeaway Cafe remains open - but with a reduced food and drink menu.

A spokesperson for the garden said: "As an open-air space with 50 acres of gardens enabling safe social distancing, we are committed to providing a safe environment for the public to exercise and enjoy in order to safeguard their mental and physical health.

"All visitors should follow the latest advice from the Government; we encourage you to stay local and only visit Hestercombe if you are not travelling far from your home."

Hestercombe Gardens is open from Wednesday until Sunday, 10am until 5pm.