A FORMER detective constable would have been dismissed - had he not resigned - after inappropriate behaviour towards female colleagues.

The officer, referred to in the misconduct hearing as DC X, was found to have committed gross misconduct for breaches of the Standards of Professional Behaviour following a five day hearing.

The decision not to identify the officer was taken by an independent Legally Qualified Chair.

Multiple allegations of misconduct were made against DC X by a female colleague known as Witness A, which the panel found both individually and cumulatively amounted to sexual harassment and sexual discrimination.

The panel also found that language used by DC X towards a colleague known as Witness B was unacceptable, and not in line with the standards of behaviour expected of a police officer.

Further, the behaviour of DC X towards a third colleague, Witness C, was found to be "inappropriate and overly familiar".

Temporary head of professional standards, Chief Inspector Jane Wigmore, said: “This case is a reminder of the need for police officers to uphold the highest standards of behaviour and integrity.

“I welcome the decision of the independent misconduct panel to dismiss DC X with immediate effect.

“He has both breached the standards of professional behaviour expected of him and betrayed the trust placed in him by a vulnerable colleague. There is no place for this unacceptable behaviour in policing.”

No criminal charges were brought against DC X in relation to Witness A, following her wishes not to pursue a criminal complaint.

The full outcome will be published in due course.