NURSERY school children in Taunton have been enjoying virtual story time with care home residents.

Once a fortnight, a resident at Abbeyfield Residential Home in Heron Drive, Taunton, will read a book to the children at Taunton School nursery via video.

These events have been arranged by a member of staff at the school, who is also the weekend leader at Abbeyfield.

Louise Leah, head of nursery and pre-prep at the school, said: “In a time when we are all feeling a little isolated from one another, we are so pleased to be able to connect with the residents at the Abbeyfield home in this way.

"Our children have been hugely enjoying their virtual story times and we hope the same benefit is felt by the residents reading the stories.”

So far, the children have enjoyed The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson and The Wonky Donkey by Craig Smith. In the coming weeks they will be reading more tales together.

Paula Howlett, manager of the Abbeyfield Taunton Home, said there have been some "beautiful moments" during the readings.

“It has been absolutely wonderful seeing the connection of the older with the younger generation using the wonders of technology," she added.

"Residents involved have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the children responding to the books being read by them.

"There have been some beautiful moments and despite lockdown, new friendships and relationships are being made.

"We are looking forward to the continued connection with the children at Taunton School!”