AS usual, I found Alan Debenham’s letter interesting, but, as usual, Alan totally missed the point as far as the true nature of Christianity is concerned.

Yes, there are systems and structures whose worth can be debated, and yes, there is conflict between the beliefs of Humanism and faith-based religions.

But Christianity is not about creeds, but about having a relationship with a living person.

READ MORE: ‘Is this freedom?’ 

When I became a Christian, I entered into a relationship with Jesus in which, like all other Christians, I became a joint heir with him of God’s kingdom.

It is a relationship so close, that in some incredible way Jesus, the Son of God, is actually within me.

Because of this, when a person becomes a Christian, they change, and that process of change continues throughout their life.

As a Christian I have a joy-filled life now, and am assured of a fantastically better life when I die.

Not because of what I have done. Not because of what I believed.

But because I have an unbreakable relationship with the living God, who will welcome me home.

God bless you.
