THE delighted owners of a rescue puppy who lost the use of her legs after a spinal injury praised the vets and therapists who saved her life.

Emma and David Daltrey adopted disabled Doberman pup Honey in January when she was just four weeks old, but they feared she would never be able to walk and dreaded the worst-case scenario that she might have to be put down.

Now weeks of physiotherapy and hydrotherapy has helped the determined dog to walk again and she is now bounding around like nothing happened.

Emma said: “She’s been through so much, it was a big trauma for her, but nothing phases her now, it’s extraordinary.

“When Honey came to us, her options were quite limited and we wondered if she would have to use a wheelchair for the rest of her life, or if we would be told the kindest thing to do would be to put her to sleep.

“But thankfully, that never came up when we spoke to Eastcott Vets, who saved her life. They gave her physiotherapy four times a day for a week.”

Three days a week at Woozelbears Hydrotherapy followed, with Emma and David giving Honey physio on the other days. Slowly but surely, her condition improved and the therapy visits became less frequent - now once a fortnight. The 17-week-old grew rapidly and joined puppy classes where she made new friends.

Emma added: “She was the youngest dog they had given hydrotherapy. Soon, she suddenly stopped dragging her back legs and could walk on her own and try to play. It was hard to tell her she needed to slow down and rest because she always felt like she could run off despite her injury.

“Looking at her now, you would never know anything was wrong with her. I don’t know what we would have done without Eastcott and Woozelbears.

“We have fallen completely in love with her.”

They say the treatments and MRI scan for Honey’s spine have cost them £4,500, which they raised with help of generous supporters.

The couple both work full-time but have managed Goatacre Animal Sanctuary near Lyneham for six years with the help of donations and fundraising. They currently look after 100 animals, including chickens, rabbits, ducks and guinea pigs.

A Woozelbears spokesman said: “She needed constant support but she started to improve every day. With the amazing care from her owners, dedicated multi- disciplinary team and fantastic veterinary care, Honey is now very mobile and energetic.

“She will continue maintenance hydrotherapy to ensure there is no long-lasting or compensatory issues in the future and to build her strength.

“It’s wonderful to watch her be a happy dog.”