THE following applications and notifications have been received for consideration by Somerset West and Taunton Council and can be inspected online at website, or electronically only at the Reception, The Deane House, Belvedere Road, Taunton, TA1 1HE.


02/21/0002/T: Notification to fell 9 Ash trees within Ash Priors Conservation Area at The Priory, Combe Florey Road, Ash Priors


06/21/0021: Conversion of garage into ancillary accommodation with replacement of flat roof to pitched roof at 9 Mill Lane, Bishops Lydeard


08/21/0015: Variation of Condition No. 02 (approved plans) of application 08/19/0027 at Unit L2, Crown Industrial Estate, Venture Way, Taunton


20/21/0014/T: Notification to fell one Cherry tree and one Ash within Kingston St. Mary Conservation Area at Kingston St Mary Church

20/21/0015: Replacement of summerhouse adjacent to tennis court at Fulford House, Yarford Lane, Kingston St Mary


23/21/0017/T: Application to fell one Lime tree and to carry out management works to 4 Lime trees and one Cedar tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Milverton No.1) Tree Preservation Order 1995 at Bailiffs Cottage, High Street, Milverton (TD632)


36/21/0017: Demolition of barns and erection of 2 No. dwellings with associated works and change of use of land from agricultural to residential at Crossways Farm, Slough Lane, Stoke St Gregory


38/21/0200: Demolition of outbuilding and erection of a single storey extension to the side of 91 South Road, Taunton

38/21/0201: Change of use of dwelling (Class C3) to office (Class E) for a period of 24 months at 27 Rochester Road, Taunton (retention of works already undertaken)

38/21/0202: Erection of a two storey extension to the side of 16 Parkfield Road, Taunton

38/21/0203/T: Notification to fell two fir trees within Staplegrove Road Conservation Area at Talbot House, The Avenue, Taunton

38/21/0204: Variation of Condition No. 02 (approved plans) of application 38/21/0045 at Level 2, East Reach House, East Reach, Taunton

38/21/0205: Erection of a two storey and single storey extension to the rear of 31 Tamar Avenue, Taunton

38/21/0208: Replacement of conservatory with the erection of a single storey extension to the rear of 8 Redlake Drive, Taunton


51/21/0004/T: Application to carry out management works to one Walnut tree included in Taunton Deane Borough (Burrowbridge No.1) Tree Preservation Order 2000 at Heron House, Stathe Road, Burrowbridge (TD873)


52/21/0020: Erection of a single storey extension to the side of 1 Highfield Close, Taunton

52/21/0021: Erection of a single storey extension to the rear of 42 Gill Crescent, Taunton


3/26/21/011: Erection of extension and enclosure of verandah to form a single storey extension on the west elevation: The Former Rectory, Rectory Road, Old Cleeve, TA24 6HN


3/37/21/014: Erection of triple carport in the front garden: 12 Cherry Tree Way, Watchet, TA23 0UB