A FEARLESS man who single-handedly rescued five neighbours from a fire has been commended for his bravery.

Tom Marney was woken by cries from the neighbours, who were trapped in a first-floor bedroom by fire and smoke.

With a significant fire spreading rapidly in the house, Tom pitched a ladder to the bedroom window to help the family to escape.

He rescued all five members of the family, including two young girls and a new-born baby, all prior to the arrival of the emergency services.

He has now been awarded with a Chief Fire Officer’s Certificate of Commendation for his bravery.

The commendation says: “Tom’s quick thinking, prompt, calm and controlled actions undoubtedly helped in preventing this incident from having a much more serious and potentially tragic outcome.”

The incident happened in Hillcommon in September last year, when fire crews from Wiveliscombe, Taunton and Wellington attended the scene.

During a presentation evening at Wiveliscombe, the fire station’s crew manager Neil Higgins and Firefighter Daryl Smith were presented with long service and good conduct medals, both having worked for the service for more than 20 years.