PEOPLE across the Taunton and Minehead areas are being urged not to leave easy food pickings out for seagulls - and even foxes.

The plea from Somerset West and Taunton Council as the first gull eggs start to hatch.

Cllr Andy Sully, SWT executive member for environmental services, said: “Many people find gulls to be a nuisance for several reasons - noise caused by gulls calling; mess caused by their droppings; damage to properties caused by gulls picking at roofing materials and by nests which block guttering; birds dive-bombing and swooping on animals and people. But the main one is food waste being scavenged.

“Gulls go looking for food waste in any bags left unattended. At this time of year we see an increase in the number of seagulls ripping open rubbish bags and spreading it far and wide so we all need to make sure we are doing everything we can to prevent this.

“Gulls are aggressive feeders and will steal food from other species and humans, so be aware that they may just be nearby.

"Gulls will also be attracted to food waste that is dropped in streets and open spaces – half-eaten sandwiches for example. So please use the litter bins provided or take your waste home.”

People are being asked to avoid putting waste food in rubbish bags as it can cause odours, which make the bags more attractive to the gulls.

Food waste should be stored in the brown food bin for kerbside collection.

Anyone without a bin is recommended to double bag food or food packaging, and put waste out as late as possible before 7am on collection day.

A SWT spokesperson said leaving the food waste bins out too early leaves them "vulnerable to attack by cats or foxes as well as gulls".

Some shops also sell gull-proof sacks.

Seagulls lay their eggs from early May onwards, with the first chicks emerging around the start of June.

The chicks grow quickly and are very active, generally fledging in August and taking about three years to reach maturity, when they in turn will start to breed.

The life expectancy for gulls, which are a protected species, can be up to 20 years.