SOMERSET folk put their rhythmic bones into action for a competition.

As part of Volunteers’ Week this year, which ran from June 1 to 7, the Somerset branch of charity Age UK ran a competition for volunteers, asking them to compose limericks featuring volunteering and/or Somerset and North Somerset.

More than 40 entries were received and thanks to donations from Marks and Spencer’s, Taunton, all those who took part received a prize.

Here is the winning entry:

There was a volunteer known as Ed,
Whose client loved her visits it’s said
Then the Virus arose
So they had to stop those
Now they both love their phone chats instead.

Other entries included:

There was a volunteer called Sue
Who found an old saying was true
By helping Age UK
She felt better each day
and the next volunteer - could be YOU!

There was a volunteer from the South West
Who knew that she just could not rest
The pandemic was here, sapping most of the cheer
From the aged folk who'd given us their best.

In Somerset there is Age UK
For volunteers to please make your way
The fun is terrific
The roles are specific
You’ll never be bored, I would say

A volunteer from Taunton named Ray
Had dreaded retirement each day
‘til he found a new life
Alongside his wife
Volunteering for Age UK (Somerset)

To see more of the volunteers’ entries, log on to

Now, just for fun, the charity is inviting people to send in their own limericks about life as an older person in Somerset or North Somerset, with the best ones being published on their website, Twitter and Facebook accounts.

Attempts should be emailed to or posted to Age UK Somerset, Ash House, Cook Way, Taunton, Somerset TA2 6BJ.