WITH the amount of COVID cases on the rise in Taunton and the rest of Somerset we hit the streets to find out what you think about making face masks mandatory again.

A total of 15,190 people had been confirmed as testing positive for Covid-19 in Somerset West and Taunton when the UK coronavirus daily dashboard was updated on October 25.

However government figures also show that four in five people in Somerset West and Taunton have received two doses of a Covid-19 vaccine.

Latest data from YouGov suggests the public support the idea that face masks should be made mandatory.

In fact, over three quarters of those living in England support the idea of mandatory masks on public transport (81%) and in shops (76%).


When we spoke to the people of Taunton there was a mixed response; some felt it should be mandatory and others disagreed saying it is a personal choice.

Sam Jackson, the bar manager at Hubbox on North Street, said "I think people should wear them where possible, we don't want another boom and a full lockdown again.

"I wear one for work and it can be annoying but it helps," he said.

Shopper, Jimmy W, said "No, I don't wear one and I won't wear one.

"I've been double jabbed so I am safe now, it is all up to the individual in my opinion," he said.

Another shopper, Daisy, said "I wear a mask in shops but I see a lot of people who don't, they really should though."

John H, a local taxi driver in Taunton said "I don't think it should be mandatory but I think people should wear one anyway, it is just common sense."

A volunteer at the Dog's Trust in Taunton said "I have a heart condition and struggle breathing so I have and always will wear a mask; I think everyone must wear one when they are inside shops."

A worker at the British Heart Foundation in town said "we are encouraged to wear one while we are working and I think people going into shops should wear them too, definitely."

As always we would love to hear your opinion, what do you think, should face masks be mandatory in shops and public transport?