A Taunton man has been able to reverse his diabetes after losing six stone.

Trevor Bale, who attends Dawn Booth's Slimming World group, was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2005.

As a result, he was put on medication and he was also on medication for his blood pressure and cholesterol. 

In 2016 the tablets became insufficient to control his diabetes. This was when he had to start injecting himself once a week.

Type 2 diabetes can be prevented and managed by diet and lifestyle adjustments and Trevor was advised to lose weight.

He tried various things: counting calories, cutting down, smaller plates but none of them were sustainable. His wife Louise was attending a local Slimming World group and encouraged him to go along.

Trevor said: "I was very dubious at first as I thought it was just going to be a room of ladies or having an afternoon chat.

"I couldn't be more wrong. It was a friendly inviting room full of people who are keen to help each other and they were talking about food and lots of it, so I thought I'd give it a go."

With the extra support Trevor lost six stone and was able to stop taking the injection and most of the tablets.

He was so impressed with how his health had improved that he and his wife both became consultants in Minehead.