A DEVELOPER has submitted proposals for a 52-home village development.

S. Notaro Ltd wants to construct the properties east of North Villas, in Cotford St Luke.

The scheme would include a new access, along with road/footway and cycleway provision, an open space, landscaping, surface water attenuation and ancillary works.

If permission is granted by Somerset West and Taunton Council (SWT), the new estate would feature eight three-bedroom units, 29 four-bed homes and 15 affordable homes, including nine with two bedrooms and six with three bedrooms.

All the houses would have on-plot parking, with garages and courtyard areas.

The developer has pledged not to permit any of the homes to be occupied until a 'fallow land management plan' is in place to mitigate any increased phosphate emissions that would lead to increased toxic discharges on the Somerset Levels.

A statement with the planning application lodged with SWT says: "The development will deliver clear economic, social and environmental benefits.

"The development will provide 52 additional dwellings, including 15 affordable homes in an area where there is a need for further housing growth."

It adds: "The proposed development of 52 dwellings can be delivered in a timely manner in order to assist the local authority with their housing shortfall.

"The development can also be delivered without giving rise to any significant adverse impacts upon matters of material planning relevance.

"Matters relating to access and highway safety, drainage, nutrient neutrality and biodiversity, landscape impact and residential amenity can all be addressed and mitigated, and the harm associated to the development as a whole is assessed as being very low.

"In favour of the development, the application will deliver 52 dwelling houses, with a level of affordable housing (15 units) that exceeds policy requirements.

"The development site is within a sustainable location and will allow residents to access services and facilities in a sustainable manner, reducing reliance upon the private motor vehicle.

"The development will also deliver significant capital investment within the village and wider authority area through spending habits and payments under the Community Infrastructure Levy, which will be significant."