MILVERTON Amateur Dramatic Society members have been busy rehearsing for their pantomime being staged this evening (Thursday, January 19).

Rapunzel - A Hair Raising Panto is set to a 1950s theme in Goldilocks' hairdressing salon.

It is Rapunzel's wedding day and she is preparing to marry Prince Quiff.

The evil Duchess Bea Hive is trying to stop the wedding.

Featuring Dame Strawberry Blonde and her son Blonde, James Blonde, the panto has more hair jokes than is probably legal.

The action takes place in The Victoria Rooms, Milverton.

Doors open at 7pm and curtain goes up at 7.30pm.

A spokesperson for the society said: "We are a very small village amateur dramatic society.

"We make our own costumes and half of the cast are related to each other.

"But we all have a lot of enthusiasm and fun and we do our panto with gusto."