A PRIMARY school pupil who struggles with reading has come up with a fantastic idea to make books fun for other children.

Annie, aged seven, hit on the idea of giving Book Buddy Bags to the 34 youngest children at Trull Primary School, where she is in Year 3.

Her mother, Sarah Williams, said Annie had started reading with her own teddy bear, Hagrid.

"She then came up with the idea over the Christmas holidays to give Book Buddy Bags to each of the children in the reception class at her school in case it helps them to find the fun in reading too.

"This is a pre-loved teddy bear, packed in a Book Buddy Bag with a reading book, a sketchbook, and some pencils.

"She arranged this all directly with Trull's fantastic headteacher (Karen Wedlake) and came home one day and announced she had a plan.

"This is how bookbuddies.co.uk was born.

"We made a little logo, and got started, and now the 34 Book Buddy Bags she created have been sent home to their new families."

Parents of the recipients have contacted Mrs Williams to say how thrilled they and their children are with their bags.

She added: "Now we'd love to see this initiative grow as big as it can.

"I am so proud of Annie, and her brother Sonny, who is 'head of bag logistics', and what they've achieved.

"We'd love to see how far this can go, and would love to find some local support/sponsors/fundraising to help us fund even more of these bags and host Book Buddy events."

The first 34 bags were funded by the family of Annie, who gave a speech at school assembly and a talk to the reception class when they received their Book Buddy Bags.