'DON'T throw your old laptop or mobile phone away - get it repaired.'

That's the message from a self-taught expert who has just opened a tech repair and refurbishment shop off Taunton town centre.

Callum Dart has been encouraged by the number of customers already coming through the door of Kronos Digital, in St James Street, since he opened it last week.

From getting a misbehaving laptop up and running again to replacing a smashed screen on your mobile, Callum's your man.

He said: "My mission is to keep as much electronics out of landfill as possible, to give someone's old computer or phone a new lease of life.

"There are still better uses than just chucking them into recycling boxes in supermarkets or leaving them in a drawer.

"We generate a lot of waste, especially electronic waste. It's a shame because so much of it is still good and useful.

"The manufacturers plan on us throwing things away and encourage us to buy bigger and better models all the time.

"Companies certainly don't want you to hold onto it forever.

"But often the solution is a lot more simple than it seems. Sometimes all it needs is a new battery or new screen."

Callum added: "With things such as laptops, there are a lot of problems and they seem to last just a couple of years before they start to disintegrate.

"A lot of the times it seems pretty complicated, but it's actually relatively simple."

Callum, who is operating out of the former R. J. Phillips clock and watch repair shop, started tinkering with computers well over a decade ago.

"It's just something I've always found fascinating," said Callum, who previously worked for a mobile phone company.

"I started building my own computer, then buying and selling online.

"Then I thought, 'Why not phones as well'.

"I'm pretty much self taught from watching videos and reading up on stuff, watching people do something and trying to copy it.

"Business has been good so far, thanks to publicity I've been given by the Independent Quarter."