The Saxon Kings Way links two Saxon kings, King Eadred, King of England(946-955AD ) who died in Frome and his nephew King Edgar, King of England (959-975AD ), who was crowned in Bath Abbey in 973 AD. The route links Mendip Way East with the Cotswold Way and includes a section of the Two Tunnels, as well as magnificent views of Bath.

The walk can also be tackled in two halves with the aid of public transport links to Frome/Bath from Norton St Philip or Hinton Charterhouse.

Somerset County Gazette: The Saxon Kings way plaque on the Cheese and Grain. Photo: Leslie StatherThe Saxon Kings way plaque on the Cheese and Grain. Photo: Leslie Stather

Somerset County Gazette: The Cheese and Grain in Frome. Photo: Leslie StatherThe Cheese and Grain in Frome. Photo: Leslie Stather


1. The walk starts in the centre of the medieval town of Frome, from the Cheese and Grain events venue, situated in Frome’s main car park, and is well marked with Saxon Kings Way stickers. Walk along Cycle Route 24 through Whatcombe Fields and then using public footpaths to the Orchardleign estate, which was a Victorian stately home and is now a wedding venue.

Off to the right nearby, is Orchardleigh Church, built in the 13th century, on an island beside a lake.

Somerset County Gazette: Orchardleigh Church. Photo: Leslie StatherOrchardleigh Church. Photo: Leslie Stather

2. The next point of interest is Lullington village, which is reached by taking the footpath across Orchardleigh golf course which eventually becomes a road leading into the village. Walk past the old well, the old school and the village green. It is worth visiting Lullington church to see the beautiful Norman font. Lullington village before the Norman conquest belonged to King Harold. It was rebuilt in the early 19th century by William Duckworth.

Follow the footpath sign through the farmyard, turning left and then right after the long farm building, walk to the stile, over the middle of the field,walk around the edge of the next field, through a gap in the hedge and follow the hedge through the woods. Then walk through the field keeping Park Woods on your right, cross the stream, and take the farm track through the farmyard,where you will have a view of Laverton Church, with it’s Norman entrance arch and pillars. The earliest parts of this church date from Saxon times.

3. Opposite Laverton’s main church gate follow the footpath sign crossing the field diagonally onto a road, and then turn right past the terrace of houses,walk across the next field and across the corner of the following field onto the road, through the zigzag gate and onto the stud farm, and turn left. Shortly afterwards, bear right keeping the farmhouse on your right, keep straight on aiming for a wooden boundary fence where you turn left following Mendip Ring signs. After 200 yards, turn right along a path around the field,through a zigzag and over the middle of a large field onto the road and here the route meets the Mendip Way. Then make your way to historic Norton St Philip village by turning right along the road, through a gap in the hedge, across three fields following signs, past a pond and onto a track, turning right pastthe Old Vicarage and the school and you will find the village on your right,and a 14th century church.

4. Norton St Philip was originally a Saxon settlement. It is also home to oneof Britain’s oldest taverns, the George, on the main road through the village.Turn right along Church Street ( the A366 ) and then left, passing the Tudor Dovecote, bear right and cross the B3110, walk over the field to a road and turn right. After quarter of a mile turn left, walk through three fields following signs, through a wood, turn left, and follow the footpath through the copse into Green Lane, entering the village of Hinton Charterhouse.

Somerset County Gazette: The George at Norton St Philip. Photo: Leslie StatherThe George at Norton St Philip. Photo: Leslie Stather

5. Walk across Green Lane in Hinton Charterhouse and take the lane straight ahead, passing the church on your left, which was built in the 12thcentury. It pre-dates Hinton Priory (now a private dwelling), which was a Carthusian monastery ( or Charterhouse ), established in the 13th century in the village of Hinton. Take the second gate into the churchyard, marked as a footpath, HintonHouseison your left, Walk across parkland to the busy Branch Road and crossitwithcare. Cross three fields passing Hinton Priory on your right, thenwalkovertwo more fields and follow the path to a quiet road, and turn left into the hamlet of Pipehouse.

6. Walk along the track through a tunnel of trees, there are lovely views of countryside and of Midford Castle, and eventually down a steep descent to the B3110. Cross the road and turn left and right, crossing the Wellow Brook, over a field and under the viaduct, turn right along the road and walk into Midford meeting the B3110 again. Turn left, immediately right and then immediately right again into the Hope and Anchor pub car park, Follow the signs from thereto the National Cycle Route 24 towards Bath, where you will walk through a tunnel. The first tunnel, the Combe Down tunnel is 1672 metres long, plays classical music as you walk through it! Then 300 yards after the end of the first tunnel, take a small track to the left through a wood and then right under the viaduct. Turn right before a house into Lyncombe Vale and walk past the Paragon School. Turn leftwards, left and right onto Lyncombe Hill Common, onto the path and then left into Alexandra Park with magnificent views of Bath.

7. Keep the view and railings to your right, keep walking down the slope, turn right down the steep steps and then turn right along Calton Walk. Turn left down the steps onto the road. At the bottom of the hill, turn right, and walk through the subway into Bath city centre. As you come out of the subway,walk under the railway bridge, turn right over the footbridge which crosses the River Avon, up the pedestrianised shopping street and past the Pump Rooms. Then turn right, and athAbbey( founded in the seventh century) and it’s amazing. The west front is straight ahead of you. It is one of the largest examples of Perpendicular Gothic architecture in the West Country. This is where King Edgar the Peaceful, King of England was crowned in 973AD.

Somerset County Gazette: Glorious Bath Abbey. Photo: Digital Vision/GettyGlorious Bath Abbey. Photo: Digital Vision/Getty

Bath Abbey Is the start of the Cotswold Way, where you can begin to walk the102 miles to Chipping Campden. Or you can catch the D2 or X67 bus or the train back to Frome (please check latest timetables before setting off).

* The Saxon Kings Way is a Frome Walkers Are Welcome walk created by Miriam Hare.

Walkers are Welcome is a nationwide initiative, it has enabled the development of more than 100 accredited owns and villages to become members and assists these communities’ economic, physical, health and mental well-being through walking.

Walkers are especially welcome in Walkers are Welcome towns and villages. Cheddar, Dunster, Frome, Shepton Mallet, The Stoweys and Wiveliscombe are all accredited Walkers are Welcome towns/villages in Somerset.