A UNIQUE exhibition of Boer War original communications, postcards and prisoner of war ephemera is being held at Wiveliscombe Community Centre this Saturday (June 3) from 9am t0 1pm.

The collection, presented by local man John Cowlin, commemorates the signing of the Treaty of Vereeniging that ended the South African War on May 31, 1902, and represents many years of research and discovery.

The war came at a critical time juncture in Britain's imperial history and was a turning point in the use of propaganda by the Government and the national press in shaping public opinion.

It came as the British tried to force the Boers to change their way of life.

In 1834, the British had abolished slavery, which the Boers resented as they believed God had created a hierarchy in which white Christians were superior to people of indigenous races.

For further details email jfcowlin1@gmail.com