TAUNTON Deane MP Rebecca Pow grabbed a pair of enormous scissors to officially open a retirement living complex in Taunton.

Story by Wilkin on work experience.

Ms Pow did the honours at Churchill Retirement Living's Riverain Lodge, just off the town centre.

Afterwards she met a number of apartment owners, who chatted about their new lifestyle.

She also toured the owners' apartments and the patented ground source heat pump technology.

Ms Pow said: "I was delighted to officially open Churchill's Riverain Lodge in the heart of Taunton.

"With its ideal location on the riverside, homeowners can enjoy a great setting with easy access to all that the town offers and it was clear from talking to many of the homeowners how much they enjoy this Churchill residence.

"The building itself has a renewable energy focus with on-site ground source heat pump technology helping to reduce overall energy costs.”

Caroline Haswell, senior marketing manager at Churchill Retirement Living, said: β€œIt was lovely welcoming the local MP, Rebecca Pow, to Riverain Lodge again to meet local retirees who are enjoying an independent and active retirement.

"The apartments here have already proved to be popular with 50 per cent already sold."