A MEMORIAL tea party is being held later this month in memory of a well-known driving instructor.

Dennis 'Sapper' Stone, who died aged 88 last month, was born in Beckery, Glastonbury.

He attended local schools and went on to become an apprentice carpenter for E. G. Wright, in High Street, Glastonbury.

He did his National Service in Malaya with the Royal Engineers, earning him the moniker 'Sapper', rising in the ranks to corporal.

Afterwards he returned to work for E. G. Wright.

Dennis married Daphne Richards and in time they both became driving instructors in their own school of motoring, The Avon School of Motoring, enjoying much success.

Dennis and Daphne had an interest in vintage vehicles and used this interest to found the Vale of Avalon Vintage and Classic Vehicle Road Run, over the years raising many thousands of pounds for charity.

When Daphne died Dennis continued with the run until old age and health forced him to give it up. He died at home on June 5.

There will be a private interment of Dennis’s ashes with Daphne, but a memorial tea party and rally is being held at Glastonbury Rugby Club on July 29, from 4.40pm to 7.30pm.