VILLAGERS living near Taunton will soon be able to pop round the corner to buy items they forgot to pick up in their main shop in town.

Conditional approval has been granted for locals to run a community shop in Hatch Beauchamp.

Planners at Somerset Council approved proposals to convert a private studio/gym in a wooden building off Village Road.


The initiative will also see an adjacent garage used for storage and overflow space.


Hatch Beauchamp Community Shop Ltd, a registered community benefits society, has been set up to run the enterprise, which has been developed in consultation with the community and parish council.


A statement submitted with the planning application said: "The aim of the shop is primarily to provide a local facility within the village that is run on a not-for-profit basis and to benefit the village/parish.

"The day-to-day running of the shop will be by volunteers overseen by a manager.

"Paid employment will be the equivalent of one part-time post, however a large number of people will be involved in its running."

The shop will sell consumable items such as bread, milk, cakes and food stuffs.

Customers will also be able to buy coffee and hot drinks as well as simple meals at the shop, which will open Mondays to Saturdays.

READ MORE: Plans for a community shop in Hatch Beauchamp.

The planning application said the initiative will benefit the community by offering employment and a "much-needed facility".

And as it is close to the village centre, it will "encourage access by sustainable means and discouraging car journeys to less local shops on a daily basis".