RESIDENTS can learn more about Taunton's spooky past in the upcoming Extours ghost walk.

One of the people you can learn about on the Taunton Ghost Walk is Perkin Warbeck.

Posting on Facebook, a spokesperson for Extours said: "The story of Warbeck is one that features in the Taunton Ghost Walk and I have to say I have been surprised by the amount of people who have no idea who Perkin Warbeck was.

"Known as a "pretender to the throne", Perkin Warbeck landed on the shores of England during the late 15th century and claimed that he was one of the sons of Edward IV who was locked away in an episode that we refer to as 'the Princes in the Tower'.

"The Princes in the Tower mysteriously disappeared and it was assumed that Richard Duke of York (later Richard III) had them murdered to cement his place on the throne.

"Want to know more?

"Join Extours on an upcoming Taunton Ghost Walk where you will learn more about the story of Warbeck along with many other fascinating aspects of Taunton's history."

The next walk will take place on Thursday, September 14, 2023.