STAFF at a town pub are working flat out to reopen following a devastating blaze at the weekend.

Fire broke out in the kitchen of the King William Inn, in Glastonbury, at 11am on Saturday (September 9) as the team was preparing to open.

There are no reports of anyone being injured.

Pub director Lewis Davies was on holiday in Turkey at the time.

His father, Rick, said: "The kitchen is a complete loss.

"There was smoke damage in the kitchen, which is being cleaned at the moment.

"Hopefully we'll be able to open the bar in the next day or two, but it will be some time before the kitchen will open again."

A total of nine fire service vehicles and four police cars rushed to the incident at the premises at the bottom of High Street.

A local source said the fire was caused by a chip pan.

He added: "The main concern was for several people who were initially in their rooms at the top of the building and shops on either side of the public house were all evicted as the flames were threatening to escalate either side of the King William.

"Fortunately there were no casualties, but there was a considerable amount of damage caused by the fire and all the fire engines from the surrounding areas were on hand to help to quell too much damage beyond the kitchen area, although smoke and fumes continued to be a source of worry for some considerable time, despite the fire being put out by seven of the pumps that were on hand.

"It took almost three hours before the roads leading into the area at the bottom of the town were re-opened in all directions."

Lewis Davies posted on Facebook: "I'm currently on holiday and away from the situation and in a position where I'm away from everything."

He added: "The main thing I can tell you is all people and animals are safe.

"Had a few people reach out with well wishes and offers of assistance.

"I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say it is very appreciated and we're grateful.

"Thank you to everyone who had reached out both online and in person. And we hope to see you all soon."