A MAN from Taunton is cycling almost 1,700 miles from Romania to England to raise money for a dog rescue charity.

Steven Cuthbertson set himself the task of cycling 2,727 kilometres in hopes to raise money for the charity which united him with his dog, Stella.

Amicii Dog Rescue first came across Stella "close to death" in a forest in Romania.

The charity nursed her back to health, and then brought her back to the UK where her and dog-dad Steven met for the first time in 2021.

Steven is now re-tracing the route Stella took to the UK from the place she was found.

He arrived in Romania on Sunday September 17 and has already racked up 249 miles on his bicycle over just two days.

Those interested can keep tabs on the pilgrammage, dubbed Stella's Journey, by checking out the blog page which Steven posts regular updates to.

So far, he has already had to face "torrential rain", "horrible" roads, and rough cross country tracks.

Over £1,400 has already been raised, but Steven hopes to eventually raise £10,000 for the dog rescue charity.

Donations to Stella's Journey can be made via the official JustGiving page.